C o n s u l t i n g

We carry out research before creating your product/s. We look for a niche or 'gap' in the market, until we find the differentiation for your collection. Once we identify the creative direction, we analyze the competitors and create mood boards to communicate our vision clearly to the entire team.

C o n s u l t i n g

D e s i g n & D e v e l o p m e n t

The next step is to make sketches and look for references aligned with the design concept. Our team interprets the final designs in technical sheets, accompanied by specifications. In a strategic and beneficial way for the client, we advise on ecodesign and circular products.

D e s i g n  &  D e v e l o p m e n t

P r o t o t y p i n g

A critical and exciting stage to successfully present designs. The process includes pattern creation, development of lasts, soles, identification of materials and trims. The final prototypes are used for marketing, shown to buyers at trade shows and events, or directly to consumers.

P r o t o t y p i n g

M a t e r i a l  S e l e c t i o n

The selection of more respectful materials is essential, since the environmental impact of a shoe is associated with the materials that make it up. The concept of sustainable material encompasses a responsibility and wise choice on purpose, considering the life cycle of the product and its recycling at the end.

M a t e r i a l  S e l e c t i o n

P r o d u c t i o n

Our production infrastructure is a combination of traditional knowledge and modern configurations. Sustainable footwear production involves responsible and ethical manufacturing processes. It includes the use of renewable energy, the elimination of toxic waste and the reduction of water consumption.

P r o d u c t i o n

B r a n d i n g & P a c k a g i n g

Every brand has a different marketing approach. Taking packaging and labeling into account is another way to convey the properties of a sustainable material or the impact of your product. The current trend is to use less material and thus save space to reduce your carbon footprint in distribution.

B r a n d i n g & P a c k a g i n g
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